I think this is my last post before I go back to Birmingham in a couple of hours time.
I just wanna put the final words from my lovely PGCE tutors into my life diary. If you wanna know about the PGCE course, click HERE.
I sent some pictures taken during lunch and farewell gathering to them and these were the response that I got.
Dear Suha,
Thank you for these.
You have never ever upset me in any way. You are all such a lovely bunch to work with. Have a great time here in the UK for the remainder of your stay.Please do keep in touch as I would love to hear from you and your pedagogical exploits!
Best wishes,
Dear Suha
Thank you for sharing these photos with me - they are really good and have captured the atmosphere of the two occasions very well. Even though I don't really like seeing myself in photos, I have to admit you have shown me in a good light here so I am not quite as embarrassed as usual.
as we said on Friday, it has been a real privilege to have worked with all of you from Malaysia and it has certainly enlivened my work; I have had a really happy time with all of you and will have fond memories.
Hope that your trip back home goes well.