Assalamualaikum and hello there world,
So, here is my first post in this blog. Sebenarnya baru siap design blog ni, cari template comey and stuffs and then nak update post after hantar assignment and presentation (which is due on 14th and 19th of June) tapi rasa macam kesian pulak blog ni ditinggalkan sorang-sorang. Therefore, here I am, updating this blog for the first time!
From today onwards, what I would like to do is updating:
1. Me current life
2. Me subject knowledge
3. Me taste on fashion
4. Me......what?...
Note: Me --> My
So, what is me current life is about? This is very difficult question to answer therefore I skip to the next point (tehee!)
What is me subject knowledge? Ha, this one is easy to answerla.. I am specialist in Chemistry Education (soon will become a teacher, InsyaAllah).
Actually, this is the main reason why I'm blogging now. Nak share dengan students about the beauty of CHEMISTRY but not THAT chemistry ok? Manala tahu after this you all will interested in taking Chemistry as your main subject? One thing before saya terlupa, saya develop minat kat Chemistry nie masa kat Kolej Matrikulasi Johor (haa, specific and jelas!) and up till now minat tu sangat mendalam cuma yelah kadang-kadang bosan jugak belajar benda yang sama but anyway the point is to show you all the BEAUTY of CHEMISTRY.
Next is me taste on fashion. Erm, yang ini pon tak tahu nak explain apa. So, seeekiiiip.
4th point: Me....what?.... suggesting that this is an on-going process. So akan diupdate dari masa ke semasa (tehee!).
Update from:
Yang sedang menyiapkan assignment.