Friday, 27 September 2013

[Book Review 3] Stuff Matters by Mark Miodownik

Welcome to my third book review; Stuff Matters by Mark Miodownik.
Remember my previous entry about the introduction to this book?
Yes? No?
Anyway. Lets get started!

Book Review:

1. This is biography genre book. Those who are not into this type of book genre should think twice of buying this book. But as for me, I'm really into this type of book genre. Thus, as soon as I saw this book being placed at the OUR STAFF PICKED THIS section at the Waterstones bookstore, I immediately bought it!

2. I would like to thank the author, Mark Miodownik for making me wonder about things around me. He made me think about many things actually. For example, paper. Normally, I just don't think twice about throwing it away once I used (or read it). Mark Miodownik pretty enthusiastic about all the materials he writes about. In this case, in order for us to gain better understanding of the material (paper), he started with the tree(s). He described the process of converting tree(s) into paper brilliantly, with the aid of his own handwriting drawing. After that, he even mentioned when and where exactly we used papers in the daily life.

3. The author writes his own involvement with materials, suggested that he is not making things up. It is actually started with the razor blade incident (back to his middle school), when he was slashed by a stranger at London tube station. After that incident, he began questioning things around him. That is the starting point of him to be obsessed with material(s).

4. The book has 10 sections, including metals, paper, concrete, chocolate, foam (aerogel), plastic, glass, graphite, porcelain, and rather bizarrely "implant" covering both bones and artificial items in the body like screws. This book gives us both the history and the science surrounding all 10 substances mentioned before.

5. I personally hope that he writes another book because our world is not made up of only 10 substances. There's more than we can imagine.

6. This is a hard-cover book, it does cost me but considering the contents, the price is reasonable. I think you might get cheaper price by buy it online.

7. Thoroughly recommended.

*Happy Reading!*